Minnesota Rat Diseases That Can Be Transmitted to Humans

Zoonotic diseases are types of illnesses that can be transmitted by animals to humans. Millions of homeowners across the US are being invaded by rats. The presence of these pesky creatures will not only have a detrimental effect on your emotional wellbeing but also on your overall health. They are carriers of several pathogens that can lead to serious illnesses. Some of them can even be fatal.

Types of Saint Paul Rat Diseases That Affect Humans
In order to have a complete understanding on the dangers that the rat presents, you will have to be aware on how these illnesses are being transmitted. Being exposed with the waste of the infected rodent such as the nesting material, feces, urine, and saliva can encourage the transmission of the disease. Bites from the infected rat and the parasite they carry can also spread the sickness. There are also some infections that can be caught from skin-to-skin contact.

Leptospirosis, popularly known as Wei’s Disease, is a bacterial infection caused by Leptospira. These bacteria can be carried by different wild Saint Paul animals such as rats. You can be infected by having a direct contact with a contaminated soil, food, and water. Any break on your skin will encourage the infection to enter our system. Once infected, you may experience a range of symptoms such as fevers, muscle pains, and headaches. If not treated immediately, the disease can progress and may show signs meningitis, kidney failure, and liver damage.

Salmonellosis is a disease that has been generally associated on having a poor hygiene and the foods that are undercooked. However, you may also contract this disease through rats. The bacteria called Salmonella can be found on the excrement of rats and other animals. In case you accidentally ingested an infected water or food or failed to wash your hand, this increases the probability that the diseases will be transmitted.

Rat Bite Fever
The rat bite fever can be caused by a bacterium found in the oral system of the rats that may appear healthy. People can be infected with the disease through the bite or scratches of the infected rat. You can also be ill once you have a close contact with an infected rat or if you eat a contaminated food. Usually, you will experience the related symptoms after the wound healed. This can be around 2-10 days after the bite. The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic medicine to deal with the problem. The disease can become serious if you ignore it and may sometimes result to death.

There are different ways on how you can prevent the spread of these infectious diseases. You must ensure that your house is free from rat infestation. In case you are performing exclusion and removal of the rat, be sure to wear protective gears such as gloves and face mask. Look for the possible entry points all over your house and seal it with the right materials. Finally, if you have been bitten by a rat, disinfect the wound and visit your doctor right away.

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